
Giveaway number three!

There have been some exciting things happening here at Audrey's Little Light. I've received a few candle orders, had the privilege of customizing candles for the winners of these past two giveaways and I am SO honored to participate in Franchesca's care package drive! I added a button to the right so you can go check out her latest project and order a beautiful ribbon rosette! I have also added more pictures to the gallery.

So, now for the details you've been waiting for.... leave me a comment and be entered to win a candle of your own! The same rules apply you can comment for each time you spread the word about this giveaway ex: facebook, blog, grab a button, and for becoming a new follower.
The drawing will take place tomorrow night, (Sept. 26th) that's right IN JUST ONE DAY @ 10:00 pm CENTRAL TIME. So don't delay comment away!

The winner will have her/his candle in time to light it on October 15th for National Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Loss Day.


  1. Im hoping 3rd times a charm =) Good luck to everyone!! im so proud you will be participating with Franchesca I think that is really awesome!!

  2. This is my first time iam a follower never done this but it will be so nice

  3. Blogged about it.


  4. Also grabbed the button. It's on my blog.

  5. have the button on my blog will post on facebook

  6. Your beautiful button is also on my blog

  7. I follow all of your blogs and I love reading about Audrey and your little seahorse!
